Kumbh Mela 2019 Allahabad | Ardh kumbh mela in allahabad 2019

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Simhastha or Kumbh Mela 2016 Ujjain

We should make more of what we do....!! Go and experience it. ??
Simhastha or Kumbh Mela is going to celebrate at Ujjain in the year 2016 spanning from 22nd of April to 21st of May. The ritual of Shahi Snan will be conducting on 22 April 2016, a day of full moon (Poornima) as per lunar calendar. Nearly ten million devotees across the country graced the festival with their presence on this auspicious day. Ujjain hosted the Ardha Kumbh in the year 2010 where numerous Hindus witnessed the occasion. In the year 2016, Simhastha Kumbh Mela will be commemorated in Ujjain . Do not miss the opportunity and embrace your soul and material body with the sacred nectar bestowed by God.

Ujjain has been a source of inspiration to ancient Indian sages, poets, dramatists, social commentators and scholars since times immemorial. The city has also nurtured cultural, literary, Vedic and educational institutions.This year 2016 celebrating spirit of Maha Kumbh - ?#?Simhastha? ?#?Ujjain? - a rare event where millions of pilgrim & saints gather together to take holy dip at auspicious river kshipra - festival started on 21st April will be concluded with Shahi Snan on 22nd May.
The dip itself is divine experience, the quality of ware is okay, Thanks to state government and mela pradikaran for elaborate arrangements, though there are few loop holes but over all - good cleanliness and safety is keep, as the days are passing the incoming tourist and pilgrims are increasing...
On 3rd May had 2nd Parv Snan - Holy Dip quite refreshing and profoun.

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